Dr. Facer Psychiatry
Virtual mental healthcare for adults and parents in Idaho
My clinic is designed to help busy adults and parents in Idaho struggling with bothersome thoughts, emotions, and behaviors looking to reconnect with their values through a collaborative and holistic approach to treatment.
I specialize in the unique challenges of emerging adulthood (18-30 years old) and parenthood, including an emphasis on perinatal (before, during, and after pregnancy) and paternal psychiatry .
These are significant life stages where mental health concerns tend to emerge and are best helped with an individualized approach.
To maximize access to care, I have built an efficient virtual-only clinic to connect with you wherever is convenient and created a self-therapy program called Therapize Yourself so you can continue progress between sessions.
While I utilize medications for treatment when appropriate, I also emphasize non-medication approaches including therapy, lifestyle, sleep hygiene, physical activity, nutrition, and supplements (in no particular order!).​​​
I highly value transparency. Meeting someone new can be scary, especially a psychiatrist. My website has videos and writing from me so you can get a feel for my style prior to ever meeting me.
I currently do not accept insurance, although I have applications pending for most major insurance providers in Idaho and will update this site when these are approved. I can provide you with a "superbill" which you may submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement, however, reimbursement via this method is not guaranteed.
Presently, I accept direct payment only for services (can use HSA or credit/debit card) and my rates are as follows:
Intake - 50 minutes - $250
Follow-up - 50 minutes - $200
Follow-up - 25 minutes - $125​
Interested in becoming a member of the clinic?
Please complete the Consultation Request Form and I will touch base with you to see if I can provide the services you are looking for. I look forward to hearing from you!
Is the course for severe depression and anxiety?This is a great question. My intention for the course has never been to delay someone from seeking professional help when warranted and you can read more about getting professional help in my blog post here. For individuals whose safety and functioning are not severely impacted by mental health (i.e. mild to moderate), I think a primarily psychological approach (as in the Therapize Yourself course) can be sufficient. For individuals whose safety and functioning are substantially impacted, then professional help is warranted and the courses would take on a supplemental or adjunctive role to support professional treatment. Human "psychology", as we describe it, exists on any level of the spectrum of experience and so incorporating it into addressing mental health no matter the severity is something I feel strongly about.
Are the courses for adolescents too?For the right adolescent the courses could be extremely helpful. A test of the initial free content in the "Introduction to Mental Health" could be a good way to see how someone might respond to the rest of the course. I think parents or legal guardians who have completed the course can then be helpful to more accurately assess whether or not it would be a good fit for an adolescent. Legally, adolescents completing the course would be doing so with the permission and active involvement of parents and legal guardians who agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy on behalf of the minor (see links for more details). However, children under 13 are not permitted to give personal information or utilize the website or its contents, nor would I think the content to be very relatable/applicable. I do think the course can be insightful for parents who are thinking of approaches to help their children with depression and anxiety.
I think I need professional help. What should I do?I have answered this in more detail in this blog post. Ultimately if you have insurance, I recommend you reach out to your insurance company regarding "in-network" professionals and then identify what services you are looking for: medications (psychiatrists, physician associates, nurse practitioners) or therapy (therapists, counselors).
Can I purchase courses for someone else?You can purchase the course as a gift by selecting "This is a Gift" at checkout. It will prompt you to give the recipients name, email, and an optional personalized message.
Who do I contact if I have questions about course issues?You may email contact@kadenfacermd.com for any course-related questions. Please note, I am unable to give any individualized professional advice regarding course content.
Is there a refund policy?If you are not satisfied with the course, I have a 30-day money-back guarantee in return for constructive feedback. I want this to be helpful for you. If it's not, I would like to know how you think it could be. If you would like a refund, please email contact@kadenfacermd.com with your name, email, date you purchased the course, and constructive feedback :)
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